Moving Up

Kloe is happy to announce that she is moving up to big sister status. Now that my belly is big I have been telling her every time she touches it that there is a baby in there. She always lifts up my shirt to see what I am talking about, like a hid I doll under my shirt or something. It is so fun to see her rub my tummy and say baby. I am still not sure that she fully understands what is going on so it will be interesting to see what happens in six weeks when there is finally a real baby here. 
This last weekend we had some friends down from up north and they had their two kids with them. One of them is right in between our girls and then they have a baby. Kloe was just constantly loving on the baby and being so soft and gentle. She wanted to lay by him and she would just stare at him. She got the biggest smile on her face when he would make noises. 
I can’t wait to see how she reacts to having a little sister of her own. I am however a little nervous. She still demands a lot of my attention and still gets into everything. I am worried on how I am going to keep some distance between the baby and her, but I know that in time we will figure it out. That’s just what we have to do. Adapt, learn, and grow. With every stage of life a new challenge comes. I don’t doubt that I am going to be absolutely exhausted 99.9% of the time trying to keep with with Briley, Kloe, and the new baby and that having a baby after having Kloe is going to be different than most people’s third baby but we are up for the challenge and are prepared for tears, laughter, and a whole lot of joy. There is just something about Kloe and the bond the two of us have that constantly reassures me that even though I have no idea what to expect everything will be ok. 
