World Down Syndrome Day 2023

 For years I have wanted to go into Kloe's classroom and do a presentation on World Down Syndrome day. Now the first year I planned this Covid hit and shut down all my plans. Last year if I am being honest I just wasn't in the right headspace and I let my fear of 3rd graders take over. I was afraid of them, afraid of their questions, and judgements. I know ridiculous right? 

Well this year I got brave. I made handouts to ask everyone in her class to wear silly socks on 3/21. I spent half my day, when I am sure I should have been doing laundry, looking up youtube video's and making a slideshow to explain why we were silly socks and to what Down Syndrome is. 

The kids in her classroom are so stinkin cute. They all love her so much and it was so fun to see them showing off their silly socks. I really don't think that the presentation could have gone any better. They asked some really good questions, and for the first time I actually felt prepared to answer them. One kid even asked if Kloe would have Down Syndrome her whole was cute. The one thing that I took out of it is that most kids aren't trying to be mean. They are honestly curious and I am sure that they don't even know who to ask their question to. I hope in a small way I showed them the love and happiness Kloe brings into our life. I even put a statistic up in my slideshow that Down Syndrome is just like winning the lottery because it is completely random. One of my favorite parts was asking the kids if they knew anyone else with Down Syndrome besides Kloe and no joke almost every single person in the room raised their hand with a huge smile on their face. 

I am so glad that I was able to get out of my own way and finally talk to her class. I am so grateful to her amazing teacher that loves Kloe and lets a crazy parent come in and take over for 45 mins. (There were a lot of comments from the kids). We were even able to handout colored goldfish snacks to show that we are more alike than we are different and fun Down Syndrome stickers. Overall I do regret not doing it every year but my goal for next year would be have the whole school be involved. I have already started looking up ideas on how to do this.  Spreading awareness, teaching love, inclusion, and acceptance should be something as parents we are all doing. It isn't enough to just talk about it one day the one year these kids are in Kloe's class. If all you get out of this post is to do better with the kids in your life than that would be enough for me. I have seen first hand what teaching kids about kindness can do and we need more of that in the world today. If we want better in the future we must do better now. 

                                                    This is what inclusion look like!!!
