Guys, I am sure all of you beam with pride when your kids participate in a program at their school! I am sure you think your kids is the cutest one up there....but I hate to be the one to break it to you but if Kloe is also in that program your wrong. She steals the show every time.
Recently her school did the Utah program which consists of songs and actions to those songs all about the history of Utah! My oldest daughter did this program a few years ago and so we knew what to expect when it came to the hour long program of songs that get stuck in your head just like the latest T Swift song.
I was pretty determined that Kloe could sit up there with her typical peers and perform the whole program without an aid helping her. I think it is super important to push Kloe harder than sometimes she wants to be. I know that being fully included in programs like this provides so much confidence in her that she can do hard things and honestly proves to everyone else watching that she can too.
The whole program was so cute and Kloe knew all the words to all the songs and did the actions right along with everyone else. Maybe just a second behind. On the very last song she was pretty sure that her actions were way better than whoever made up the choreography so she did her own thing but hey like I said the cutest one up there. She stole the show!
Now I am lucky... I know this. Kloe's school has been amazing at including her in everything that they do! I love that I don't have to fight for things like this anymore it is just expected. I also know that not everyone gets to be that lucky. I know that some still struggle with inclusion and to you I say never stop fighting. Never stop fighting for your child. Be their biggest advocate because if don't know one else will. It is worth it. It is worth the fight. Kloe thrives in her school because everyone knows her and everyone loves her!!! Fight for that.
Picture for cuteness!!
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