Kloe turns 3!

I can’t believe my baby girl is three years old. Every year on her birthday I like to take some time to reflect on her birth and everything that has happened sense. On the day of Kloe’s birth we had a lot of emotions as I believe anyone would, but sense then especially over the last year Kloe has brought so much happiness and joy to our family. I can’t even imagine one day without seeing her smile and getting her kisses with full tongue I might add. Some of the things that she has accomplished recently is adding more words to her vocabulary and it is so adorable every time she says a new word. She has also learned to jump and run at a faster pace. She still copies everything her sister does including her favorite word NO! She says it with such gusto too and it just makes me want to laugh. It is so fun to think over the last three years on how much she has grown and how much we have too. I can’t wait to see what the next year will bring with her development and growth. 

The only sad part about Kloe turning three is today is also her last day at Early Intervention. We have been a part of this amazing program for the last three years and I can honestly say that Kloe wouldn’t be where is she today without the amazing therapist’s. We feel so blessed to have had this service and am forever grateful for the program and the wonderful people who are a part of it. We will miss everyone and hope to still stay involved somehow. As they say on to bigger things because in two shorts weeks Kloe is start her first day at preschool. I am not too sure how I feel about this yet, but as always we will cross that hurdle once we get there. 
