What I have learned

There are a lot of challenges that come with raising a child with Down syndrome, but the blessing, experiences, and things I have learned have far outweighed all the challenges.

I wanted to write a post about the biggest thing that I have learned over the last two years and it is very simple, but has made a profound impact on my life. I was a huge planner. I thought that I could pretty such plan and predict my life within reason and I would say was a little OCD about it. When things didn't go my way or the way I had planned it would devastate me and totally stress me out. The moment we had Kloe that all changed.

I had to realize that I am not in control of the things in my life, but I did have control over how I reacted to what was thrown at me. I have learned at any moment things could be turned completely upside down and backwards and this did happen with our new little bundle of joy on a weekly basis for the first year.

How grateful I am for learning not to be so planned and set in my schedule. I have learned that not having a schedule allows me time to breathe and enjoy the things that are going on instead of stressing out when things change. I think when you go through such a dramatic change it makes you reflect on the way you lived your life. Now I am not saying that one way is better than the other, but for me the shock and surprise of sudden problems or challenges doesn't slow me down from coming up with solutions anymore. I don't have to deal with feeling the devastating and stressful moments when MY plan didn't turn out like it was supposed to.

I look forward to all the things that Kloe is going to teach me in the future and I am so grateful for all the things that she has taught me so far. We could be more blessed in our journey.
