Follow Follow Me

As I was sitting outside in the hall at church on Sunday an interesting thought came to my head. As I was watching Kloe and Briley interact together I felt so lucky to have two girls who love each other and Briley is such a big helper when I ask her to do things for her sister. 

On Sunday the day was no different from any other when it comes to Kloe’s activity level and she started running down the hall in our church building. I asked Briley to go and just turn her around so she would be running back in my direction. Kloe sure gave it a fight but after Briley put her down she was still happy and was still able to run free. 

I started to relate this to my life and how every time I think I am running in the right direction I get pick up and turned around the other way. I can sure be suborn and put up a good fight as I am being adjusted but in the end I get where I want to go and it is usually an easier route. I am not walking in a giant circle weaving in and out of doors looking for something better. I have learned that my life is pretty great just the way it is and I am so grateful for our simple and fabulously complicating life. Kloe comes with her challenges and especially lately with the suborn attitude toward eating, playing nice, and participating in therapy, but the things that she teaches me to celebrate and be grateful for makes me the luckiest mom in the world.

I have been letting Kloe gain a little more freedom even though it about kills me as a mom. I know that with the mess, tears, constant cleaning, and every laugh she is growing more and more into her own person and developing the skills she needs to be successful in her life. I do want her to grow and develop in her own way even if it means landing the helicopter I constantly have flying over her. 
