Down with Down Syndrome: Kids are Cruel

This is a very touchy post for me because no matter how strong you think you are the first time that you hear other kids making fun of yours you loose your mind. Here is the story...

We were up north visiting some friends and there were five or six older kids running around with Briley and Kloe not far behind. Kody and I were down stair where the kids were playing packing up our things to go home when I started to pay attention to what was being said. I remember it vividly being said over and over "freaky baby" as they older children pointed at Kloe and ran away from her like she was a monster. When I realized what was going on I was hurt. This wasn't like any other kind of hurt I have felt before. This was deep down to my core hurt.

My first reaction was to line all of these kids up against the wall with me running up and down slapping them across the face but no matter how bad I wanted to do this I knew it wasn't the right thing to do. I went to Kody and told him what was going on and I could see the same hurt in his eyes. As I went back to the room to bawl my eyes out, Kody went upstairs and told all the kids to go down stairs and sit on the couch. Through the profound words of Kody that day I know that those kids learned a valuable lesson, but what I learned was much greater.

What Kody told the kids:
Set sat them all down and was holding Kloe when he said; you see this little girl here, she is my angel. She is one of Heavenly Fathers chosen spirits and just because she might look a little different than you it is not ok to call her names. He made all the kids say they understood what he was saying.

What I learned:
I learned that through those simple words Kody told those kids that this was not the last time we were going to have to deal with situations similar to this. I learned that I don't always have to be strong but that Kody would be there to protect Kloe and teach those around us who didn't understand how special she was. I could turn my desire of wanting to slap every kid that makes fun of her into a learning opportunity not only for the kids, but for myself. I am so grateful Kody had such grace in the way he handled this situation. I hope that through these stories we can help bring acceptance and understanding to those who have none.
